Meaning and definition of organization

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Meaning and definition of organization

Meaning and definition of organization

Concept of organization 

Now a day’s people are directly or indirectly related to organizations for accomplishing various activities. Organizations collect inputs from the environment, transform it to output, and send the outputs to the environment. Organizations have a collection of people, systems, structures, technology, etc. for conducting their activities. Banks, factories, hospitals, clubs, religions, associations, political parties, government institutions, etc, are the organizations. 

“Organization is a system of consciously coordinated activities of two or more persons.” —Chester Barnard

“Organization if a group of two or more people who work together in a structured setting to achieve a common goal.” —Gene Burton

“Organization a systematic arrangement of people brought together to accomplish some specific purpose.” —Delenzo and Robbins

“An organization is a cooperative social system involving the coordinated efforts of two or more people pursuing a shared purpose.” —Robert Kreitner

An organization is a collection of people for achieving a specific target. Organizations are those associations that systematically coordinate various activities for achieving common goals. Organizations establish a particular structure, use technology conduct activities. These whole things are possible with human gathering. 
Therefore organizations are human associations. Organizations have common goals. Organizations establish specific structures and systems to achieve shared and common goals.


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