functions or components of Human resource management

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 functions or components of Human resource management

according to Decenzo and Robbins HRm is a process consisting of four functions – acquisition, development, motivation, and maintenance. these components are related to acquiring people, training, and developing them, activating them, and retaining them.

1. Acquisition:

it is the first component of HRM. the acquisition function begins with human resource planning. relative to HR requirements, managers need to know where they are going and how they are going to get there. this includes the estimating of demand and supplies of manpower. The acquisition component also includes the recruitment (both internal and external), selection, placement and socialization of employees. this component affects the development, motivation and maintenance functions of HRM. Again, it is also affected by those three components.

2. development function:

it is the second component of HRM. this component is composed of three major element/dimensions. they are:

  • the first is employee training. this element emphasizes skills development and the changing of attitudes among workers.
  • the second is management development. its primary focus is on acquiring knowledge and the enhancement of the manager’s conceptual abilities.
  • the third is career development. its focus is towards continued effects to match long term individual and organizational needs. it affects and is affected by other three components. 

3. motivational function:
this function is also called the utilization function of HRM. as people are acquired and trained the next duty of managers are to motivate or utilize the existing human resource elements. the motivation function begins with the recognition that individuals are unique and different. they require different motivational techniques. this function/component of HRM contains important elements like job design, performance evaluations, rewards, job evaluation, compensation and benefits, discipline, and so on. the productivity of the organization is directly dependent upon this component. it attempts to stimulate performance.

4. maintenance function:
it is the final component/function of HRM. the maintenance function is concerned with providing proper working conditions (both physical and psychological). these conditions create a positive employee attitude which is necessary in order to maintain their commitment to the organization. this function again affects and is affected by the rest components of HRM. maintenance function ensures keeping productive employees in the organization for a long time. its major elements are safety and health, employee or labor relations, etc.
functions or components of Human resource management

over the years, many changes have occurred within the horizon of four functions of HRM. the simple function of personnel management (i.e. recruitment to retirement- R2R) has become a complicated process. the process is composed of finding, developing and retaining the best-qualified person for the job. but this development did not occur overnight. it is the result of many changes in management thought, society and workers themselves.

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