Benefits of Direct Marketing

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Benefits of Direct Marketing

Benefits of direct marketing 

Direct marketing has grown in developed countries where consumers are too busy to visit retail stores to get their requirements. This trend is growing in the urban parts of developing countries including Nepal. Direct marketing is growing due to the following benefits. 
1. Convenient: 
Shopping is easy through direct marketing. It can be done from anywhere with just a click or a telephone call in a suitable time. 
2. Time-saving: 
Direct marketing is time-saving. There is no lengthy queue for getting the goods. You can get the description of the goods through several media. Customers do not need to visit the retail store. 
3. Relationship marketing: 
Direct marketing prioritizes earning customers and prolonging transactions with them. Direct marketing puts the customers first. This enhances relationship marketing. This avoids the loss of customers. 
4. Economics operation: 
Direct marketing removes middlemen. Thus reward for them like commission, discount, bonuses are also deduced. Therefore, the operation cost of the producers is reduced and it helps to lower the cost of the product. Similarly, promotion messages are customized which also helps to make promotion cost-effective. 
5. Privacy: 
Direct marketing is one-to-one marketing. Customers do not need to visit the retail store. It is hassle-free and privacy can be maintained. Customers do not need to publicize their personal details. 
6. Situational suitability: 
Manufacturers meet customers directly. There is two-way communication. Manufacturers can understand the customers’ problems properly. Thus, a manufacturer can convey the message of the product according to customers’ problems. 

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1 thought on “Benefits of Direct Marketing”

  1. Thanks for the tip about how having prolonged interactions can also he a lot in building a relationship with customers. I’m interested in knowing more about direct marketing strategies because I want to open a hardware store with my husband someday. Being able to invest on marketing might be very helpful as a jumpstart.


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