Special Provisions for Woman Entrepreneurs in the Industrial Policy, 2010
The industrial policy, 2010 has made the following special provisions with the objective of involving more women in industrial enterprises for more opportunities of employment and for enhancing financial empowerment of women.
1. Involvement of women in policy formulation:
Women belonging to indigenous and tribal people, Dalit, Madhesi, marginalized communities, and involved in the concerned industrial enterprises are represented to formulate policies relating to any industrial enterprises.
2. Provision of group loans:
Women entrepreneurs of the cottage and small scale are provided loans in a simple and easy manner through banking and cooperative institutions.
3. Venture capital:
Priority is given to women in the venture capital to be provided while establishing an industry.
4. Exemption of registration fee:
An exemption of 35% in the registration fee is given if an industry is registered only in the name of the woman.
5. Special priority:
if women desire to establish an industry in an Industrial District, they are provided special priority.
6. Training and development:
In order to develop women entrepreneurship and to encourage women to become an entrepreneur, women are involved in training, meetings, seminars, study visits on technology development.
7. Women sales counter:
Provision is made for sales counters for the products developed by women entrepreneurs developed in various developing regions.
8. Involvement in the exhibition:
In exhibitions concerning industry or business to be organized by the government agencies, entrepreneurship/ businesspersons are compulsorily involved.
9. Export loan:
Provisions are made for making available export loans to women entrepreneurship/ businesspersons exporting their products.
10. Exemption in the registration fee:
The industry registered only in name of a woman is provided with an exemption of 20% in the fee for getting registered the industrial property such as patent, design, and trademark.
11. Women entrepreneurship fund:
For the development of women’s entrepreneurship, a separate women’s entrepreneurship fund is created.
12. Provision of sectoral unit:
A separate sectoral unit is created in the Ministry of Industries for the development of women’s entrepreneurship.
13. Control of gender-based violence:
It is made mandatory to introduce directives for prevention and control of all types of gender-based violence at the workplace for the protection of rights of women entrepreneurs, woman workers, and women service-seekers.
14. Gender friendly industrial promotion:
Plan, program, and budget implementation concerning an industrial promotion are made gender-friendly and to ensure the guarantee of gender equality, gender analysis and assessment, gender auditing, and gender budget system of the concerned policies and programs shall be introduced.