Sources of Measurement Problems in Research | Population in Research

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Sources of Measurement Problems in Research | Population in Research

Sources of Measurement Problems in Research

Measurement should be precise and unambiguous. However, this objective is not often met but the researcher must be aware of the sources of errors in measurement. Following are the possible sources of errors in measurement.

1. Related to respondent: 

Sometimes the respondent may be reluctant to express negative feelings or it is just possible that he may have very little knowledge but may not admit his ignorance. Transient factors like fatigue, boredom, anxiety, etc. may limit the ability of the respondent to respond accurately and fully.

2. Related to the situation: 

Situational factors may also come in the way of correct measurement. Any condition that places a strain then the researcher does not provide accurate information Situation effect can be seen in the interview. The interview can have serious effects on the interviewer-respondent’s rapport. For example; if the chief is present at the time of the interview and the interview is related to the chief then such a situation can distort the accuracy of responses. If the respondent feels that secrecy is not assured, he may be reluctant to express certain feelings.

3. Related to measurer: 

The interviewer can distort the value of responses by rewarding or reordering questions. His behavior, style, and looks may encourage or discourage certain replies from respondents. Careless mechanical processing may distort the findings. Errors may also take place because of incorrect coding, faulty tabulation, and/or statistical calculations, particularly in the data analysis stage.

4. Related to the instrument: 

The error may arise because of the defective measuring instrument. The use of complex words beyond the comprehension of the respondent, ambiguous meanings, poor priority, inadequate space for replies, omission of responses, excessive length, erratic sequences of questions, etc. are a few things that make the measuring instrument defective and may result in measurement error.

Hence, a researcher must identify the correct measurement that successfully overcomes all of the issues mentioned above, He must, as far as possible, try to eliminate, neutralize or otherwise deal with all the possible sources of errors- so that the final result may not be erratic.


In research, a population is not a demographic population but the entire collection of all observation of interest i.e. people, objects or events as defines by the researcher is known as population. A researcher must specifically define the target population- the entire group on which they want to make the judgment. For example:

  • All graduates from a particular university are population. 
  • All the service industries listed in Nepal Stock Exchange (NEPSE) are a population.

A researcher should find out the characters of the population by the analysis of data collected from the sample. The findings Of the research should be generalized in the population. Therefore the population should be defined clearly.

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