Literature Review | Literature Survey | Purpose of Literature review

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Literature Review | Literature Survey | Purpose of Literature review

Concept of Literature Review/Literature Survey, OR

What is Literature Review? OR What is Literature Survey?

Previous study materials, books, and research reports related to current research issues are considered as literature. Study Of previous research works and books with the purpose of knowing the research issue in detail and find out appropriate methodology is known as a literature review. In other words, a comprehensive study of such documents and preparation of a summary of the study of books, articles, and resource reports available in the market on a topic is known as a literature review. Review of previous studies is very important in academic research because it helps to provide a rationale to the study know the methods of data collection and data analysis. such guidance helps to complete the research work. A literature review can be either a part of a larger report on a research work or a thesis or a book that is published or unpublished. We used to review the literature to understand our research problem better and know the methodology that can be used in current research. We also try to find out knowledge gaps, past debates on the topic, problems of the past, the current status of the research on the topic, etc. The purpose of a literature review is to convey what knowledge and ideas have been established on a topic in the past and what are their strengths and weaknesses. It allows us to remain up to date on matters related to the research issue and familiarizes us with any different perspectives on the topic. A researcher should study books, journals. dissertations, research reports, government publications and reports of financial and marketing activities to get information that is related to the topic under study.

According to Cardesco and Gatner, “A literature review is a self-contained unit in a study which analyses critically a segment of a published body of knowledge through summary, classification, and comparison of prior research studies and theoretical articles.
According to Walliman, “A literature review is a summary and analysis of current knowledge about a particular topic or areas of inquiry.
A literature review is desirable before starting research for the following reasons:
  • To see what has and has not investigated so far.
  • To develop a general explanation for observed variations in behavior or phenomena,
  • To identify potential relationship between variables that helps to formulate researchable hypotheses.
  • To identify data sources that other researchers have used.
  • To develop alternative research work.
  • To identify issues that ts left in the previous studies.
  • To identify the methodology that is used by other researchers.

Purpose of Literature Review, OR

Why Literature Review is essential?

scientific research must be backed by the previous studies because they provide fundamental ideas to the researchers and guide the researchers to proceed further to present research work. The literature review provides continuity in the research. Thus, the major purposes of the literature review are given below:

1. To know the research conducted in the chosen field: 

The literature review provides information regarding the issues on which researches were conducted in the past. It helps the researcher to find out the issues that remained untouched and helps to avoid needless duplication of the research work. If you undertake the research on the issue that was already studied by others, then your work is useless. Thus, to avoid such duplication and provide an idea about the issues that are relevant to undertake research, a literature review is done.

2. To identify the gap: 

A researcher finds out the untouched area or areas of contradiction niter the literature review which is known as a research gap Ailer going through the works of literature, the reseau her can find out the awn oi contradiction that can be taken as a topic for the further research. thus, the purpose of the literature review is to find out the topic in the area of interest.

3. To develop a theoretical framework: 

The literature review provides the foundation for developing a comprehensive theoretical framework. The Comprehensive theoretical framework helps to develop hypotheses. The researcher can undertake empirical research testing hypotheses using various statistical and econometric tools.

4. To develop research design: 

The research design refers to the entire plan of the research. Before designing the research plan (design), the researcher should decide about the variables, measuring tools and techniques, procedures of data collection and analysis, etc. A literature review helps the researcher to decide over such phenomena of research.

5. To update on current issues: 

The literature review helps the researcher to know about the current empirical or theoretical issues of a particular area of research. Issues are changing because of dynamism in the environment. Such new controversies provide a source of the research idea and also give direction to formulate research hypotheses and design.

6. To know the methods of data analysis: 

Data should be analyzed to draw conclusions. Conclusions drawn by the use of appropriate tools will be reliable. The literature review provides ideas regarding the appropriate tools for different nature of data. The use of such tools for analysis helps to increase the reliability of research.

7. To know the research design: 

Different designs are used for conducting research on different subjects. After the literature review, a researcher gets the idea that what sort of design is appropriate for his/her study.

8. To assess the success of various research designs: 

Researchers use different designs while conducting research. A researcher can evaluate the result of various research designs used by previous researchers that help to find out the success of various research “signs. Based on that, he/she can choose a successful research design for his/her new study.

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