Finally, testable hypotheses can be formulated for each of the specific research questions. The hypothesis is the statement that shows the guess relationship between independent and dependent variables. Hypothesis formulation requires bases, Hypothesis is generated through a number of ways but usually the result of a process of inductive reasoning where observation leads to the formation of theory The hypothesis should be testable and realistic. From the above research questions of falling sales hypotheses can be developed as;
- A new package of advertisement enhances sales.
- The motivation of the sales force enhances sales.
Role of hypothesis in Research
Hypothesis plays a very important role in undertaking research. Some of the important roles of research hypothesis are given below:
A researcher comes across many factors during the study but the researcher should confirm the required facts. Hypothesis helps the researcher in the selection of relevant facts regarding the problem.
2. Confirm/ disconfirm theories:
Hypothesis adds new knowledge to the existing knowledge by confirming or disconfirming particular theories or propositions.
3. Determine the types of data needed:
It determines the types of data needed like qualitative and quantitative and primary and secondary for an investigation or inquiry and suggests the most appropriate instruments for data collection.
4. Direction of research:
It gives new knowledge and direction to a researcher. It directs a researcher to know about the problem and its causes. It also provides direction about the research design, nature of data, etc.
5. Suggest the most appropriate tools for analysis:
The different nature of data and objective of research demands different statistical tools for analysis of such data. The hypothesis suggests appropriate tools for the analysis of data.
6. Provide a framework for drawing the conclusion:
Hypotheses are developed in a sequential form. So, it provides a sequence and shows the importance of the matter. Researchers can draw conclusions in the same manner. Thus, it helps to draw conclusions while preparing a report.
7. Acts as a bridge:
The theory is a source of hypothesis formulation. A hypothesis leads to scientific investigation. So, hypothesis acts as a bridge between theory and investigation.
Formulation of Hypothesis
Generally, hypotheses are formulated in two ways. One way is the observation of social events or conditions. such events or conditions are linked with various logics and a researcher can develop a hypothesis. A second way of developing hypotheses is through literature review. A researcher can develop a hypothesis if he/she has in-depth knowledge in the area of research. The hypothesis is formulated from the statement of the problem. Generally, a researcher formulates a hypothesis using the following approaches.
1. Discussion:
Having a discussion with the experts of the same field on the development of problem and their objectives. Based on the suggestions provided, the hypothesis can be developed.
2. Through internal data:
Checking records and data that provide tentative features, direction,s, and other important facts. Based on these facts, a researcher can develop a hypothesis.
3. Literature review:
Reviewing the literature related to similar issues/problems shows the relationship between the variables. based on such relationship hypotheses can be developed.
4. Interview:
Taking an interview with the concerned person or parties to know the practical aspect of the problem. Based on the preliminary information obtained from an interview, a researcher can develop a hypothesis.