Concept of Data in Research | Types of Data | Business Research

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Concept of Data in Research | Types of Data | Business Research

Concept of Data in Research

Information or facts collected through record, observation, and measurement is known as data. Thus, data does not only represent quantitative facts but it refers to videotapes, interviews, records, and photos. Data collection is an important work of research. Data helps to find out accurate results. Generally, data are classified as subjective and objective, quantitative and qualitative, and primary and secondary.
The first work of research is data collection. Essential information for research is collected through data collection procedures. Collection and analysis of appropriate and accurate information help to make the right decision. Thus, we shall collect information carefully. The researcher should prepare a data collection plan before the collection of data. Following things should be taken into consideration while formulating a plan for data collection:
Concept of Data in Research | Types of Data | Business Research | Formulating Plan for Data Collection

1. Objective: 

First of all, the researcher should be clear about the objective of collecting data. Objective derives the data collection procedure. If similar types of research were conducted in the past then a researcher should see the method adopted in data collection in the past so that researcher can use the same method.

2. Scope: 

Scope determines the nature of data to be collected. It determines the population and sample for data collection. Suppose a researcher wants to assess the training need of the employees of the banking sector then he/she should determine the bank from which the data should be collected so that everyone’s representation can be made. Determination of sector for the study like a bank. Bank determines the scope.

3. Sources of information: 

Sources of information are primary and secondary. The researcher can collect the information either from primary or secondary sources on the basis of the nature of the research. Thus, a researcher should decide the source of information considering to reSearch objective and nature of research.

4. Method of data collection: 

We can collect data from census and samples. Information is collected from every unit of population in the census method and Information is collected from the selected representative units of the population in the sampling method. The researcher should decide on any, one method of data collection considering to research objective, nature of research, and size Of the population.

5. Unit of data collection: 

Those units which are considered by the surveyors while collecting data for research are known as a unit of data collection- The researcher should clarify the unit of data collection. If a researcher develops different types of data from the wrong unit then that creates a problem in comparing data and developing result. The research result drawn from such data will not be reliable.

6. Degree of accuracy: 

The researcher should decide the extent of -accuracy of the results in advance or the researcher should decide the level of significance. Absolute accuracy is impossible but a high degree of accuracy is a prerequisite for the research. Generally, the degree of accuracy depends on research objectives.

Types of Data

Mainly data are classified as primary and secondary and quantitative and qualitative. Those classifications are described below:
Concept of Data in Research | Types of Data | Business Research

1. Primary and secondary data: 

Data that has been collected by. the researcher himself/herself as_oer the objective of.ßhe research is known as primary data. Such data are originally collected by the researcher and fieldwork is required to generate primary data. Primary data can be generated through adnünistration of the questionnaire, telephone contact, observation, group discussion, interview, etc.

If a researcher uses the data developed by others in the past for their own purpose is known as secondary data. Secondary data can be obtained .frorn published and unpublished_sources, Those data which are published by other organizations in the form of reports and publications like government reports, and publications reports of NGOs and INGOs, reports of private organizations such as the report of FNCCI, Chamber of Commerce, Trade Promotion Centre (TPC), etc. are published sources of secondary data and unpublished sources refer to the report of various research conducted by individuals and organizations but not published by the researcher like a dissertation (thesis) of students and research report of freelancer researchers.
Generally, there is no much more difference in primary and secondary data because the same data is primary data to those who collect it but the same data is secondary data for the next person. For example, Data collected by Nepal Rastra Bank related to national income is primary data to Nepal Rastra Bank but the same data is secondary data to the other ministries, departments, and individuals.

2. Qualitative and quantitative data: 

Data collected on the basis of quality or characteristics is known as qualitative data. In other words, they are the data that can be observed and not measured. Qualitative data are subjective in nature and can be explained but can not be tested using statistical tools. For example, the kindness of human beings is an example of qualitative data.

Quantitative data deals with numbers. They are the data that can be measured. Length, height, area, volume, weight, speed, time, temperature, humidity, cost, members, age, etc. are a few of the examples of quantitative data.

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