Changing Perspectives of Organization | change in an organization

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Changing Perspectives of Organization | change in an organization

Changing Perspectives of Organization

Different theorists have introduced their thinking and promoted or advocated various ideas for establishing and operating the organizations over a long time period. From the very beginning of the emergence of the concept of an organization to date, varieties of thinking and assumptions are propounded. Similarly, there are different types of practices followed by different organizations for operating their activities. Therefore, perspectives’ thinking about organization has been changing as below,

1. Organization as a machine/mechanistic perspective:

Traditional theorists and practitioners used to take organization as a machine. According to the mechanistic perspective, an organization is a body like a machine. Therefore it should be established and operated like a machine. Mechanistic perspectives have advocated the following things regarding an organization.

a) Machine:

Machines have a fixed system to operate. The mechanistic perspective thinks of an organization as a machine. So, organizations should define their fixed operating system.

b) Stable environment:

Organizations operate their activities in a stable and predictable environment. In other words, organizations should not face changes in the environment.

c) Specialization and standardization:

Organizations attempt to increase economic efficiency through the specialization of the division of work. They establish specific work standards to accomplish.

d) Structure:

There should be a tall structure of organizations having various positions. Formal heredity of authority and response should be followed.

e) Working procedure:

An organization should define certain working times, fixed plans, schedules, rules, regulations system, etc. should be followed.

f) Method:
There should be one best method of performing the activities.

The mechanistic perspective only focuses on increasing effectiveness and economic gain. But it ignores the effect of environmental changes and the human aspect at work. It promotes in implementation of rigid rules and regulation systems.

2. Organic perspective:

The organic perspective views an organization as, an organic body. The organization establishes its systems per human need and behavior. Environmental changes and development are analyzed plans are formulated to adapt to the environment. The organic perspective gives emphasis on the following things.

a) Dynamic environment:

The organization is an open system that is influenced by the environment. The environment is changeable and it creates uncertainties. An organization should attempt to adapt its practices to the dynamic environment.

b) Focus on a human being:

The organic perspective gives importance to human behavioral patterns at the workplace. Different people have various behaviors at one time. Similarly, an individual may have various behaviors over different times. An organization should consult and adder human needs and behavior.

c) Open communication:

There should be open interaction between management and employees. Creativity and valuable ideas can be collected by open interaction. Open communication system motivates employees to give important suggestion and express their dissatisfaction.

d) Workforce diversity:

Organic perspective focuses attention for proper management of diversified human resources. Various people join an organization from different societies, places, religions, and ideologies. Organizational success depends upon the efficient management of workforce diversity.

e) Flexibility:

Organization follows practices of flexible plans, rules, working schedule, etc. Rigidity is discarded structure changes is made. Flat structure is followed.

3. Organization as a system.
According to the system perspective, the organization is a system. A system is a total of different interrelated and inters dependent parts like inputs, processes, outputs, and feedback. Environment influences organization systems. According to the system perspective, organizations should define their input, process, output, and feedback properly. The effect of environmental changes and development should carefully be analyzed and consulted in practice. Various types of organizations have their own type of input, process, output, and feedback. The following figure shows the organization’s system.

Important things of organization system are:

a) Input:
Inputs are utilized to get output. Organizations collect input for the environment. Inputs are raw factors that are not finally consumable. Human, physical, financial, and information resources are inputs. Input differs on the basis of the nature of the organization.

b) Transformation:
Transformation converts the inputs to outputs. Transformation /processing follows various techniques and procedures to add values to the input.

c) Output:
Outputs are the results. Outputs generally are finally consumable. Profit or losses, goods, and services, etc. are outputs.

d) Feedback:

Feedback provides information. Information’s from feedback can be useful for improving the quality of input, process, and output.

e) Environment:
Environment affects organization system. Therefore, an organization is an open system. Parts of an organization, consult, and internal environment.

f) Synergy:
An organization system helps to get better and greater results than that of a sum total of its individual parts.

g) Subsystem
The organization system contains different parts as input, process, output. Each part is a system in itself. Therefore organization system has various subsystems.

4. Cultural perspective:.

Culture refers to, norms, values, beliefs, traditions, practices, etc. that are common for groups, communities, organizations, etc. culture defines the functions to be done and not to be done. It specifies the limitations of the organization’s plans, procedures, rules, and practices. Organizations having cultural perspective attempt to establish specific and better cultural practices as below,

a) Integration of interest:
Cultural perspective gives emphasis on integrating interests and goals management and employees. Managers become careful to fulfill employee’s goals and employees become committed to achieving a common goal of an organization. Mutuality of interest exists.

b) Open communication:
Managers openly interact with employees. This involves employees in formulating plans and making decisions. Open interaction helps to reduce misunderstanding and improve creativity in an organization.

c) Cooperation:

Cultural perspective advocates cooperation among individuals, groups, and teams. Teamwork and cooperation may be advantageous to achieve results effectively.

d) Performance-reward link:
A proper link between performance and reward is established. In other words, rewards are provided on the basis of performance. Higher performance gets higher rewards whereas lower performance gets lower rewards.

e) Autonomy:
Employees get freedom for preparing action, plans, working schedule, etc.

f) Focus on changes in culture:
Organizations become careful and sensitive to changes in cultural values and practices. They attempt to establish good cultural practices. 

5. Organization as learning body/learning perspective:
Learning perspective takes organization as a learning unit. According to the learning perspective, organizations should continuously be updated. Learning from past experience is the motto of learning perspective. Knowledge can be acquired by research and development, study, experience, interactions, and information, etc. Learning helps to update ideas, techniques, and procedures for performing activities.

The following are some important features of learning organizations.

a) Flexible decision:
The organization follows the practices of boundary-less organization design. In other words, organizations change their design as per the changes in situations.

b) Continuity:
Organizations regularly focus their attention on learning new things from past experiences. Continuous learning helps to update knowledge.

c) Use of information technology:
Learning organizations use information technology for the effective collection and arrangement of information.

d) Empowerment:
Employees are empowered to improve their skills and capability.

6. Global perspective:

Global perspective takes an organization as a multi-country operating entity. Global organizations establish head offices in one country that is teamed as home country. They establish their branch offices in two or more countries that are termed host countries. Organizations that operate with a global perspective, give attention to the following things and features.

a) Global completion:
Global perspective views that organizations should be well prepared to compete globally. Because global operation brings long and global competition. It was really difficult to get a competitive advantage in global competition.

b) Advanced and standardized technology:
Globally operated organizations spend a large amount of money on research and development. They use highly advanced and standardized technology to maintain the quality of goods and services.

c) Multi-country operation:
Organizations establish and operate their activities in two or more countries of the world.

d) Free flow of factors of production:
Organizations can freely flow factors of production in different countries. Factors of production like labor, capital, technology, etc. may be transformed from one country to another country.

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